I opened my eyes and looked at time.. "Oh, it’s already
7 am and so much to do.Who made Monday Mornings.”Cursing at the start of week
was a usual ritual and most of the time it use to start from Sunday evening
itself. Infact, I secretly wished to replace Tuesdays with Friday’s. For
nothing can beat the Friday morning when I get up with a happy face all set to
kick start the weekend so what if its only 12 hrs apart ..After all some time
goes in warming up before the real fun begins J
Somebody truly said Monday’s are Manic and Friday’s are Fun…
Infact, It’s not me who has been
suffering from this disorder, have a whole generation infected ;).I remember we
had only Sunday’s off at school and then
corporate gave us lead of one more day. But eventually we work for just three
days in a week, if Monday Blues and Friday Fever are not discounted. Still we
keep blaming the 24hr cycle not enough to complete our tasks and extended
weekends even less to relax our lazy bones.
And if you can’t agree with me enough just keep a meeting on
Monday @ 10 am and you would be amazed to see the dropout ,sometimes with the most
hilarious reasons .Now who can beat a late bed tea being served for not
reporting on time. After skipping meeting and joining office little late mostly
the day’s agenda revolves around..."Hey how was the weekend? So what did
you do?”Only if the focus was ‘what should we do’ probably the week would too
would be as fun, however that’s a different story all about. And yes let me
assure you that having late Friday meetings will only have people answering
calls tweeting or cursing the boss on FB for being late to party.
On the other hand we have people working 24 *7 and
struggling to meet the ends, hardly can they ever imagine a word like weekend.
For them life starts with dawn , sleeps after midnight and sometimes just waits
on the footpath to end with a Friday Fever infected Maniac. Remember we have
right to celebrate our hard work but only for the right reasons and if the
fever gets onto your head you will surely be a Manic on Monday!!
So guys wish you all
a great week ahead …