Wednesday, 12 April 2017

And it’s a six

Ours is a story which started few years back
And since then the world isn’t the same.
While we first held you in our lap
Everything else seemed almost lame.
And today we call it a SIX

We learnt to know you more everyday
And proud to have you our own
You made us love silly questions more
And cherish them with every moment as you grow
And today we call it a SIX

From holding fingers to highfives
From your first walk to climbs at uphill
All of it took us on rollercoaster drives
Only to later smile on the life filled with bliss
And today we call it a SIX

A tear dropped by my eyes each time you fell
The more I tried to hold them back
An emotion unexplained followed the spell
As I got into your naughty hacks.
And today we call it a SIX

We fight, We argue, You win and I lose
Agreements can be incoherent too
But this only lets us explore more clues
No wonder parenting is new life in true.
And today we call it a SIX

So today as you complete your six
And step into an year with more still
We wish you all the joy , wealth and wisdom
To let you experience an independent, beautiful world of thrill