Look who just turned four,
a mom in me and a dad in YOU.
With each day together and more,
love and patience grew between us TWO.
Our little baby is quite tall NOW,
before we could even hold the time for few.
I remember his first look which left us WOW,
and here we have him stepping in a year yet new.
His ever naughty smile added to our JOY,
while high fives were such a fulfilling pride.
Days became years as we played with our TOY,
who never let us down in any of his stride.
You held him to walk his little STEPS,
I tried my best not to let him fall ever.
We worked as a team for all his PREPS,
and yes he made us run together.
I know what you and me would MISS,
and as I write my eyes are tear filled.
But what is coming ahead is so much BLISS,
that we all would be simply thrilled.
Parenting is a game of growing ,
as we kiss each year GOOD BYE.
With more strength and happiness sowing,
Happy Birthday Medhansh, you are a BIG BOY!!